Luxury set shoe care brushes
Deluxe set of shoe care brushes, dark varnished:
1x Polish applicator brush, 100% horse, light.
1x Polish applicator brush, 100% horsehair, dark.
1x Shine brush, 100% horsehair, light. Dimensions 15x5cm.
1x Shine brush, 100% horsehair, dark. Dimensions 15x5cm.
Leather is a natural product. And so it must be nurtured with natural products as well. Thats why the all of the shoe polishing products of the ShoeCare-Shop are made with natural ingrediƫnts. Saphir's waxes and creams are made with beeswax instead of silicones. The same applies for the shine brushes which are made with 100% horse hair. Horse hair has been fed with natural oils from the horse itself. This is why the hair is so soft and suitable for shoe polishing.
Shine brush size: 15 (l) x 5 (w) cm
Applicator brush size: 15 (l) x 3,9 (w) cm
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